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Location: Aarhus, Denmark

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Screaming at ... oops

The other evening I was standing on a stool, on top of a table, precariously leaning against the wall, trying to string up some bamboo to hang things from on my concrete walls. It was 9PMish. The doorbell rang. And didn't stop. Now, you must understand that this is no pleasant-"ding-dong"-someone's-at-the-door-type-of-ring ... nooo, it is a screech (ah! just went off right now! I'll go see who that is... 2 hours later, my host sister leaves... counseled her on a relationship with a German guy and went for a walk in the palmery)

... so yes, a screech between a crow and a fire alarm. Most maddening sound, I must say. Well little boys had been ringing it all day long: "Xrji Sam Sam?" (Interpret: Will you let Sam Sam come out and play with us?), "Nshrbu lma?" (Interpret: can we have some water to drink?) "Shdd Ldoh! Kayne ldoh brra!" (Turn off the light, the light's on.) Okay, thanks. No, go away. Okay, I'll bring Sam Sam out to play. Ok, I'll run back up the three flights of stairs to get you a glass to go with that bottle of ice cold water I just sacrified to you from my freezer. I want nothing more than to do that for you. And so it went, all day.

So here it was 9PM. I was enjoying my quiet evening, decorating and chilling. And the doorbell rings. The impudence! I think. It's late, don't they ever know when to leave alone, leave me in peace! I ignore it. It rings again. This time it doesn't stop ringing. The sound fills three floors of apartments and stuffs my ears with agony. I'm still precariously standing on tip-toe atop a stool, atop a table, trying not to kill myself and reach a hook. I shout "Siru!! (go away!)" Still ringing. How freaking irritating! "Wqfu, Eafak!" (Stop, please!) I start screaming and shouting at them in anger, but to no avail, the ringing doesn't stop. I step down from the stool and storm to the window, peer down ... and there sits my host sister, quietly shocked at my screaming, staring up at me embarrassed. My anger dissipates in an explosion of laughter and I charge down the stairs. The door bell is still ringing. I open the door still chuckling, and notice that the doorbell is stuck. She shows me how she frantically tried to unstop it with a rock, with no luck. Together we work it and eventually it pops out. I hug and kiss her, both of us laughing as I explain I thought she was another pack of boys returned to annoy me.


Blogger Meliss said...

you make me laugh! =)

12:51 PM  
Blogger cory said...

you really do have to watch out for those packs of boys at the door though. i hear you.

6:19 AM  

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