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Location: Aarhus, Denmark

Friday, October 28, 2005

Khenifra take 2

I'm back in Khenifra with my CBT group (Andrea, Jesse, Cory, Carolyn, and Juliana). I was quite scared to come back because I was afraid my language wasn't as good as I hoped upon returning. However, during our travels back, my teacher said she was really impressed with my ability to communicate with the taxi drivers and store owners, so that was encouraging.

I slept a lot the first day. We had the day off, upon arriving, and I was a bit shy about talking with the family, didn't know what to do with them as they were working and at school. I needed some alone time anyways, so I just read the Economist, my Bible and slept a lot. I still feel like I haven't been as participatory in their lives this time around, hiding in my room to study or rest more, but I also feel like I can communicate a good bit better. Not struggling to find words for one simple sentence, now it's usually a matter of trying how to conjugate the verbs I need.

Last night we had Lftor (breaking the Ramadan fast/feast at dusk) with Carolyn's family. I usually love having Lftor there because her "mother" is such a good cook and quite the regal, large, queen-like lady of a host. When we walked in, however, the movie Little Women was on TV and was instantly wisked away into old America, to a happy, old familiar story.. of four women, like me and my sisters. I was quite taken with how much it affected me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel -- It's so fun to read about all your adventures. Sounds like you're doing well and working hard. I pray for you, that you would "not grow weary in well-doing..." Probably Cincy's most exciting news right now is that the Bengals are 6-2!!

Take care!
Sarah Tarkington

9:44 AM  
Blogger Ang said...

I'm so amazed at your ability to learn the language and adapt so well to another culture so quickly.
I'm sorry you were missing home. Home misses you too, but I know that you will soak in all of the beauty and excitement and learning there.
Love you lots!
Thanks for all your sweet comments on our baby blog :)
I'm praying for you-- and think of you daily.

2:07 PM  

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